Monday, June 14, 2010

I've been wondering why seeing status updates and pictures from my old friends, my old life, often cause me pangs of pain. I've realized that part of it is simple jealousy, but part of it is that the place in their lives that I used to occupy is being filled. I guess I kinda thought that my absence would be more like a vacuum than a blank canvas, but soon there will be no white left at all.

That's a good thing though, right?


Michelle said...

Your absence is certainly felt, ReBekha. It's like a house with an empty room. Rather than revisit that empty room, wishing daily that the person who lived there would come back from their journey, we close the door and wait.

Otherwise, life can't move on.

But that room is always there, waiting for the day you come back from your adventure. I think you'll find it exactly as you left it, too. :)

Beth said...

No! No no no no no! You've got it all wrong, ReBekha! There is not a single person or activity that could ever possibly replace YOU. You are a unique jewel of a friend. Know that you are missed, and think about it this way...I get jealous of all of the experiences that YOU are having. Do you forget about me just because you go snorkeling in Okinawa? No? (Yes? If yes, don't ever tell me, ok? ;) ) At the same time, I don't forget about you because I grab a cup of coffee at Starbucks or eat Thai food. Btw, Eric's not a huge fan of Thai food, so you need to come back so I can have a Thai food buddy again. :)

Loooooooooooovin' yooooouuuu!!!

ReBekha said...

Oh, Michelle and Beth, you two are so important to me.

I'm sorry I needed reassuring, but I so appreciate that you were able to do so. :)

I feel like I am supposed to be here, but I feel like I am slipping further away from everyone I love the longer I stay. I imagine going back and not fitting anywhere I used to, not being able to relate to the people I used to. I know it's a legitimate possibility, and it terrifies me.

I love you both forever. Thank you for replying.