Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photosession Ponderings

Thief, originally uploaded by ReBekha Michele.

This is my youth pastor's darling baby, Kendra. I did a photoshoot with her and her two siblings for a couple hours on Sunday night and had a total blast! We shot in their yard (which just borders forest land--lots of trees and flowers!) and then in their living room with the best overcast lighting coming in their giant windows and a satin sheet spread out on the carpet. :) Talk about your make-shift studio!

I am extremely happy with the outcome. This is my first paid child/baby photoshoot, and i was pretty nervous. Plus, my poor over used camera has been crying for maintenance which I simply can't afford. However, I walked away with over 600 photos to sort through, and will proudly award them with about 250 tomorrow. Not bad. :)

However, I did spend about... oh... nine... ten? hours in the last two days editing these photos! That is a LOT of time! And only 60 of them are edited as fully as I prefer. Ugh.

I get totally carried away in the process and five or six hours can pass by without notice, but then at the end of the day, as I sit here looking back on my day, I have to grimace. Ten hours? I don't have that time to spare!

Finances are also a serious issue here... I love this family and I am happy to go the extra mile for them. They have done so much for me throughout our time together, and they cooked me a lovely meal after the photoshoot to top it all! BUT, I need to really consider the amount of time I can spare, and the amount of money I should charge, because for just anybody, $50 for 15 hours of work... doesn't pay.

So... that is what's on my mind at the moment. :) I don't regret plugging the hours into these photos. Like I said, I am happy with the outcome (which you can get a peak of on my flickr if you click the photo), it is just something I need to think about for the future. :)

Ugh, it is so late. And my eyes burn from all this computer-starring.

Hope you are having a lovely morning/afternoon/evening, dear reader(s)! :)

p.s. is "photosession" one word or two? what a bother.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sunlight Waits

It is past 3 a.m. in Idaho, but I am still awake.

Apparently I love sleep deprivation and an endless cycle of pain. :P

This is just a short post to share a favorite photo with you, my single reader, Bethy. :) ha ha, and anyone else who drops by. :)

Sunlight Waits, originally uploaded by ReBekha Michele
This photo is particularly meaningful to me tonight (this morning) because it partially captures this strange place I am in. I can see the sunlight at the top of the stairs (happiness in Okinawa), but the stairs themselves are covered in stuff, overgrown, creaky... a little terrifying.

There is so much to do to prepare, and I don't even want to think about the goodbyes...though the mental slide show of faces keeps me up at night.