Sunday, March 22, 2009

Excitement Factors

What I am looking forward to in Japan
-sushi, duh
-blogs worth reading
-a good excuse to post excessive stati (he he) and video updates. I love video updates, but who wants to watch them when I am just talking about the most recent book I read or yet another night of swing dancing? But culture shock and adventures on the other side of the world? Now that is worth watching.

p.s. No, I don't know for sure whether I am going, but how can I look at all these promising eggs and NOT anticipate chickens??

Saturday, March 21, 2009

learning, cleaning

At the end of a very full, very exhausting conference I ponder this thing called literature.
How can a simple story, parable, novel, phrase prod so much research, introspection.

I just, just--as in the moment before I clicked my "blogger" button--finished The Secret Life of Bees. Today alone I read about half of it. I sat at the reception desk at my doc's office: reading. I waited for my adjustment: reading. I walked all the way back to campus: reading. I even walked my bike up from the dorm bike racks... you guessed it...
My nanny kids were a little upset with me this afternoon when I couldn't pull my nose out of this book to play with them every moment, but I did manage to rip myself away every so often to tickle Sammy, chase Brendan. The book was, is, just so, so GOOD.

I need to re-read it to fully grasp what this thing in the pages that is pulling at my chest, draining out my tears, but I already know that it is what I need. It is brokenness, I have so much, and it is love, I want so badly. And more.

For now, though, I am going to clean, because that is what I do. A busy little cleaning bee.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The inner edge gradually engulfs the soft-fuzzy exterior.

I don't know whether I want to break out or implode. I want to love Jesus, for sure, and live for him but I feel like I am closer to moral melt-down than missionary status.
I am exhausted from fighting off my sinful nature every day. I fight and fight...
I do.
Why is it so hard to give up control? Of course I can't make it long on my own. *sigh* Sunday school answers hitting hard once again.

In reality, I am far from any sort of major faith catastrophe, but I am just so sick of numb, or worse.
